Linear Actuator & Sensorless Controller

Discover the cutting-edge Moving Magnet VCA Controller (MMVCA Controller) in conjunction with our Moving Magnet Linear Actuator family. Together, they offer an unparalleled method for precise and effortless linear movements. Experience optimized efficiency and user-friendliness with our Controller & Actuator Evaluation Kit, empowering you to explore the full potential of controlled motion applications.

Betrouwbaar en duurzaam

Nauwkeurige beweging

Kostengeoptimaliseerde oplossing

Sensorless position control

Linear VCA & Sensorless Controller

Magnetic Innovations’ Linear Actuator MMB series are matched with a dedicated motor controller which is able to establish sensorless position control (no external encoder required). With only 2 wires required for power and position control, operation becomes simplified and streamlined.

The controller, compactly designed to match the size of a matchbox, combines an encoder and drive into one cohesive unit. Remarkably, it has the capacity to power Moving Magnet VCAs up to 1kW, making it an ideal choice for a diverse range of applications.

Magnetic Innovations Linear Actuators deliver exceptional performance. By applying voltage across the 2-wire connection, the actuator moves in a single direction. Reversing the polarity prompts movement in the opposite direction. Moreover, the generated force remains nearly constant within the specified stroke range, providing reliability and precision.


Parameters Eenheid 1525 1555 3070 4090 5536 9054
Buitendiameter 1 mm 15 15 30 40 55 90
Hoogte 1 mm 25 55 70 90 36 54
Slag 1 mm 5 18 25 35 8 12
F continue middenpositie 2 N 2 2 13 29.7 31 110
F piek 3 N 6 6 60 123 131 605
Maximale spanning Vdc 48 48 48 48 48 48
Bewegende massa Kg 0.0063 0.0175 0.090 0.2557 0.175 0.700

1 Standaardbereik. Andere afmetingen en krachtbereiken zijn op aanvraag beschikbaar. / 2 Continue kracht bij 40°C omgevingstemperatuur en 90°C spoeltemperatuur /3 Piekkracht gedurende 10 sec. bij 25°C omgevingstemperatuur en max. 90°C spoeltemperatuur

Motor Controller Video’s

Connecting the controller to the HMI
Linear Motor Controller in Amplifier Mode
Linear Motor Controller in Force Mode
Linear Motor Controller in Position Mode

Compatible Linear Actuators for the VCA Controller

Moving Magnet Actuator 3070

Met een slag van 25 mm, een piekkracht van 52 N en afmetingen van 30×70 mm, is deze actuator geschikt voor zwaardere industriële toepassingen.

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