Green Team Twente is building their new hydrogen car. This year’s goal is to make the car even more efficient so they can get more km’s out of one tank of hydrogen. But if you build a new car every year, how do you keep making it more efficient? The short answer is: change the drivetrain.
From four electric car motors to one
Instead of the four electric motors they used on their previous hydrogen cars, they created a car design with an in-wheel direct drive hub motor. This is an electric motor that is incorporated into the hub of the wheel and drives it directly, eliminating the need for a gearbox. To get the desired in-wheel motor, Green team Twente partnered up with Magnetic Innovations in Veldhoven.
Unboxing the in-wheel hub motor
Together Magnetic Innovations and Green Team Twente designed a highly efficient in-wheel direct drive hub motor. They adapted it to the teams requirements and made it light weight. In this video, you can watch Green Team Twente unbox their hub motors. Take a look at the compact and lightweight aluminium design. Or the system to attach the wheel of the car directly to the motor. You can follow the team via their website
For more information about direct drive torque motors, please contact Magnetic Innovations via
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