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Lecture on Actuators in Ultra High Vacuum

The field of vacuum technology has seen remarkable advancements, particularly in the realm of actuators. At MDSM 2025 in Tallahassee, Florida, Erwin Hofste, Director of Vacuum Technologies at Magnetic Innovations, will be delivering a detailed presentation on this subject, Erwin will share insights from his 25+ years of experience in designing high-end actuators for semiconductor manufacturing systems.

Challenges and Solutions in Vacuum Actuator Design

Vacuum technology presents unique engineering challenges, such as material selection, thermal expansion, or the inability to operate without atmospheric pressure. Erwin Hofste will highlight the engineering challenges and solutions for creating actuators that meet the stringent demands of UHV applications, such as:

  • Material selection: Using low-outgassing materials to ensure a stable vacuum.
  • Lubrication: Employing special lubricants or dry-running designs to minimize particle generation.
  • Magnetic optimization: Designing electromagnetic components that perform efficiently in a vacuum without overheating.

About the speaker, a legacy in Vacuum Technology

With over 25 years of experience, Erwin Hofste has been at the forefront of actuator design for vacuum applications. From his early work on the NXE platform for semiconductor manufacturing to his leadership in developing standardized actuators for high- and ultra-high vacuum, his contributions have helped shape the field. His presentation will delve into real-world case studies and the evolution of vacuum actuator technology.

Join us at MDSM 2025 to learn more about the cutting-edge advancements in actuator technology and how we’re driving innovation in vacuum environments. Together, we’re shaping the future of precision engineering.

Standardized Vacuum Actuators by Magnetic Innovations

Magnetic Innovations has launched a new range of standardized vacuum actuators. These actuators are specifically engineered for high- and UHV environments, combining precision, durability, and efficiency. With this launch, we aim to set a new standard in vacuum technology, providing reliable solutions for industries demanding the highest levels of performance and cleanliness.


Verfügbare Vakuum-Aktuatorlösungen

VA 3070

Verfügt über ein kompaktes Design mit einem Außendurchmesser von 30 mm, einer Hublänge von 25 mm und einer Spitzenkraft von 60 N und ist somit ideal für eine präzise Bewegungssteuerung auf engstem Raum.

VA 5536

Verfügt über einen Außendurchmesser von 55 mm, eine Hublänge von 8 mm und eine Spitzenkraft von 131 N und bietet robuste Leistung und Zuverlässigkeit in anspruchsvollen Hochvakuumumgebungen.

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